Update: Temple Health and Keystone First Family Health Plans have reached a new contract agreement. 

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Hypertension can be easily detected with a simple blood pressure test. The test should be done by a doctor or other health professional to confirm the diagnosis. Taking your blood pressure at home or at a drugstore kiosk is an option for informal monitoring, but only a doctor can verify the reading—perhaps take multiple readings—and advise you on treatment options. You will get two numbers after your test. The numbers reveal your health risk. Here's what you should know:

  • Blood pressure is highest just after a heartbeat (called systolic pressure) and lowest while the heart rests between beats (called diastolic pressure)
  • These pressures can be measured with a blood pressure cuff (a sphygmomanometer) with units of measurement in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg)
  • Normal systolic blood pressure (top number) is less than 120 mm Hg
  • Normal diastolic pressure (bottom number) is less than 80 mm Hg
  • Your doctor will give you these two numbers together, such as 120/80 ("120 over 80")
  • If your blood pressure is greater than 130-139 systolic, and/or 80-89 diastolic, you have Stage 1 hypertension and may need treatment
  • Readings of 140 systolic or higher, and/or diastolic 90 or higher, are considered Stage 2 hypertension and require treatment.