Update: Temple Health and Keystone First Family Health Plans have reached a new contract agreement. 

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Temple University Hospital – Jeanes Campus

Additional Information About Your Stay at Temple University Hospital – Jeanes Campus

Read about organ and tissue donation, pain management, our Patient and Family Advisory Council, and more:

Patient Advocacy Line

The Patient Advocacy Line at 215-728-3798 is available to assist in meeting patient and family needs by putting the caller in touch with the appropriate member of the Jeanes Campus management team or administrator who is best able to fully respond.

The Patient Advocacy Line is manned by a member of the Patient Advocacy Team Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.

After hours and on holidays and weekends, you can leave a message and your call will be returned promptly on the next business day. If the matter is more urgent, and your nurse is not able to help you in resolving the problem, please call the hospital operator and ask for the Clinical Coordinator, who will assist you.

Organ and Tissue Donation

If you are interested in being listed as an organ donor, The Gift of Life Donor Program (not associated with Temple University Health System hospitals) manages organ and tissue donation in the Delaware Valley. This program has developed strict criteria to identify potential donors.

You can choose and limit which organs or tissues you wish to donate. You need to tell your next-of-kin of your wishes, carry an organ/tissue donor card, have a donor sticker placed on your driver’s license or state your wishes in your Advance Directive/Living Will.

You can always change your mind about organ/tissue donation. You will need to inform all appropriate individuals and/or rescind that portion of your Advance Directive/Living Will.

For more information, contact (24-hours-a-day):

Gift of Life Donor Program
401 North 3rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19123

Pain Management

We consider the treatment of pain an important part of your care. Pain is your body’s way of responding to injury or illness. There are two types of pain:

  1. Acute pain follows an injury to the body and usually goes away when the injury heals.
  2. Chronic pain lasts for 6 months or longer and can get in the way of normal activity.

Your physician and nurses will evaluate your pain frequently. You will be asked to rate your pain on a scale of 0-10 (with 10 being the most severe) and describe your pain.

Help Us Care For You

As a patient, you play an active role in your treatment and in your comfort and convenience as well as that of others. We ask that you please:

  • If at any time you or your family/visitor note a sudden change or decline in your medical condition, please notify a Jeanes Campus employee immediately.
  • Be considerate of other patients and encourage visitors to be considerate as well, especially with regard to noise, use of television and number of guests.
  • Be as accurate as possible when giving information for your medical history, for possible notification of relatives, and for use by the Business Office. Each question on the form is important.
  • Be prompt in payment of hospital bills, providing necessary information for processing insurance claims and asking any questions about your bill.
  • Follow hospital rules and regulations and encourage visitors to do so.
  • Help your physicians, nurses and allied medical personnel in their efforts to return you to health by following their instructions.
  • Maintain the treatment recommended by your physician after you leave the hospital and notify your doctor of any unexpected changes.
Patient & Family Advisory Council

The Patient & Family Advisory Council (PFAC) is dedicated to improving the quality of patient and family care at Jeanes Campus by including the following core principles in all of our discussions and projects: dignity and respect, information sharing, participation and collaboration. Our members include past and present patients, family members and staff.

For more information, call 215-728-2660.

Ethics Committee

The Temple University Hospital – Jeanes Campus Ethics Committee offers education and guidance to you and your family on complex issues, such as:

  • Choosing among difficult medical options
  • Assisting family members who may need to make decisions for other family members
  • Responding to questions on which treatment is most appropriate

Case consultations with the physician-ethicist or a small group from the Ethics Committee are available almost immediately when decisions need to be made quickly.

To access any or all of these services, call the Medical Staff Services Department at ext. 2117.

Do Not Resuscitate (DNR)

Temple University Hospital – Jeanes Campus has a policy on Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR) orders for surgical patients. While you are within the Operating Room areas or if you are waiting for surgery, during surgery or in the recovery area, your DNR will not be honored (unless your Advance Directive is in effect; see below).

If you are sent to a testing area (not the Operating Room) during hospitalization, your physician will make that area aware of your DNR status. When the physician who will perform the test is speaking with you about your consent to the procedure, you should be sure to mention your DNR status.

If you are being seen as an outpatient, your inpatient DNR order will not apply in the event you suffer an outpatient episode.

Advance Directive / Medical Power Of Attorney

You have the right, following consultation with your doctor, to make decisions involving your medical care. If your medical condition renders you unconscious or unable to make your own decisions, your wishes can still be carried out if you have an Advance Directive and a Medical Power of Attorney.

You should complete these documents prior to coming to the hospital. A pamphlet describing this option is available to you through the hospital.

For more information about the Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, call Social Services at ext. 4276 or Pastoral Care at ext. 2036.

Living Will

(Advance Directive or Sometimes Called the Pennsylvania Declaration)

This document allows you to specify which types of life-sustaining or life-prolonging medical treatments you do or do not want if you are unable to speak for yourself and you are terminally ill or permanently unconscious. It lets doctors and healthcare providers know what you would want them to do.

You can always change your mind about what is in your Advance Directive/Living Will or revoke it.

Durable Power Of Attorney for Health Care (Health Care Proxy)

This document grants legal authority to a person you name who will speak for you when you are unable to speak for yourself. Because this person will make medical treatment decisions for you, it should be someone you trust to carry out your wishes.

You should have a full discussion with this person about what types of treatments you do or do not want. You can change the person you name to be your power of attorney and you can always change your instructions.

Help Prevent Infections

The most important thing you can do to keep from getting sick is to frequently wash your hands. By doing this, you wash away germs that you have picked up from other people or from contaminated surfaces. These germs infect you when you touch your eyes, nose and mouth.

It is especially important to wash your hands:

  • Before, during, and after you prepare food
  • Before you eat
  • After you use the bathroom
  • After handling animals or animal waste
  • When your hands are dirty
  • More frequently when someone in your home is sick
  • Alcohol hand sanitizer is available in your room and in the corridor to help reduce bacteria from the hands of visitors and health care workers

Please recognize that you have the right to ask all caregivers to wash their hands using soap and water or alcohol hand sanitizer.

Discrimination Policy

Temple University Health System hospitals do not discriminate for reasons of race, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, handicap or disability, marital status, veteran status or financial status.

For more information, contact the director of Affirmative Action, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122 or 215-204-7303.