On April 2, 2024, the Temple Lung Center hosted an Interstitial Lung Disease Virtual Seminar in partnership with the Wescoe Foundation for Pulmonary Fibrosis. Clinicians from the Temple Lung Center shared information on a multitude of topics about ILD with patients and caregivers, including breakthrough research, day to day symptom management, pulmonary rehabilitation, and more.
Lung Center Educational Videos
Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Seminar 2024

Lung Cancer Screening | Temple Healthy Chest Initiative
When lung cancer is detected early, there are more lung cancer treatments available, offering the best chance for a successful outcome. The Temple Healthy Chest Initiative offers lung cancer screening with a low-dose CT scan, a quick and effective way to catch lung cancer early - even before you have symptoms.

Detección de cáncer de pulmón | Iniciativa de Pecho Saludable (Temple Healthy Chest) de Temple
Cuando el cáncer de pulmón se detecta temprano, hay más tratamientos disponibles para el cáncer de pulmón, lo que ofrece la mejor oportunidad para un resultado exitoso. La iniciativa de “Temple Healthy Chest” ofrece pruebas de detección del cáncer de pulmón con una tomografía computarizada de baja dosis, una forma rápida y eficaz de detectar el cáncer de pulmón en forma temprana, incluso antes de que presente síntomas.

Getting a Lung Cancer Screening
This educational video explains the process of lung cancer screening for eligible patients, including the risks and benefits.

Obtener una prueba de detección de cáncer de pulmón
Cuando el cáncer de pulmón se detecta temprano, hay más tratamientos disponibles para el cáncer de pulmón, lo que ofrece la mejor oportunidad para un resultado exitoso. La iniciativa de “Temple Healthy Chest” ofrece pruebas de detección del cáncer de pulmón con una tomografía computarizada de baja dosis, una forma rápida y eficaz de detectar el cáncer de pulmón en forma temprana, incluso antes de que presente síntomas.

폐암 조기 검사 받기 ㅣ 템플 헬스 (템플 병원)
Temple Healthy Chest Initiative는 저선량 CT(LDCT) 스캔(10분 소요)을 제공하고 있습니다. 본 교육 비디오에서는 자격이 있는 환자를 대상으로 실시되는 폐암 선별검사 절차의 위험 및 이익 등을 설명합니다.



Hảy khám ung thư phổi - tại Bệnh Viện Temple
Temple Healthy Chest Initiative có phương pháp chụp cắt lớp CT (Chụp quang tuyến bằng điện tử với điện từ thấp (Low-dose computed tomography, hay LDCT)), chỉ mất 10 phút. Video giáo dục này giải thích tiến trình khám thăm dò ung thư phổi cho bệnh nhân đủ tiêu chuẩn, bao gồm cả những nguy cơ và lợi ích.

Скрининг для профилактики рака лёгких
Этот обучающий видеоролик объясняет, что представляет собой скрининг рака легких для соответствующих критериям пациентов, а также рассказывает о пользе и рисках, связанных с этой процедурой.

Sarcoidosis Seminar 2022
On April 19, 2022, the Temple Lung Center hosted a seminar on sarcoidosis. Patients and caregivers learned more about how sarcoidosis affects the lungs, heart and kidneys, how COVID-19 affects sarcoidosis, what medications are available and what kind of diet is best for patients with sarcoidosis.

Pulmonary Sarcoidosis Q&A
Dr. Rohit Gupta, Director of the Sarcoidosis Program at Temple and Nurse Practitioner, Tanya Bronzell-Wynder recently recorded a live Q&A session on Pulmonary Sarcoidosis. The pair discussed commonly asked questions about symptoms of pulmonary sarcoidosis, how someone is diagnosed, what treatment options are available and strategies to manage this condition in everyday life.

COPD Education Seminar
Experts from the Temple Lung Center hosted a live seminar for patients with COPD. Attendees at this seminar learned the latest information about COPD treatment options and how patients are selected, evaluated and tested for these treatments.

Oxygen Therapy Seminar
The Temple Lung Center and the Wescoe Foundation for Pulmonary Fibrosis co-hosted an Oxygen Therapy Seminar for patients and caregivers. Participants learned about why oxygen is needed, how it’s prescribed, understanding oxygen equipment, and how to manage oxygen in daily life.