Temple Health - Chestnut Hill Hospital

Financial Assistance

High-quality, cost-effective healthcare 

At Temple Health - Chestnut Hill Hospital, we aim to provide compassionate, accessible, high-quality, cost-effective healthcare to the community, and we recognize that not all patients have an equal ability to pay for medical services.

Our financial counselors offer education to patients and families about available resources and provide assistance with the financial assistance application and approval process to help all patients access the care they need.

If You Don’t Have Insurance

If you do not have insurance coverage, one of our patient financial service representatives will work with you to determine your eligibility for state medical assistance or other financial assistance, and will also help you apply for that assistance.

If you do not qualify for medical assistance, our financial counselor will speak to you about partial payment and arranging a payment plan to meet your financial situation.

Who is Eligible?

  • Patients needing medical services who are unable to pay
  • Patients visiting from out of the country and need emergency services
  • Patients whose household income determines a need for financial assistance
  • Patients are encouraged to apply for financial assistance as early as possible. The sooner we are aware of your needs, the better the opportunity to find assistance or insurance programs to help you.

Declined Applications

If financial assistance is not approved, letters in English and Spanish will be sent describing the reasons for the decision, as well as information on other payment options. If you wish to appeal the process, this process will be provided with your letter.

Apply for Financial Assistance

Download and print the Patient Application for Financial Assistance.

Financial Assistance & Charity Care

Contact Us

Contact our financial services team at 215-248-8950 with questions.